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Is OCS-Char bad for the environment?

There is a lot of criticism about biochar within some permaculture and ecology circles. And some of this criticism is warranted. 


Like any new product there is potential for it to be oversold and over-hyped, and for cowboy operators to rush in to make a quick buck. 


Another criticism about biochar is the new market that has sprung up to create biochar from existing forests, by cutting them down to be burnt into charcoal, thus creating a biochar by-product. However this process is shortsighted and built around a market that should not exist. 


Due to HBC’s revolutionary Accelerated Carbonisation Technology (ACT) applied through the Organic Carbonisation System (OCS), our OCS-Char byproduct is created by processing waste - not unnecessarily cutting down the natural carbon sinks that exist in forests.


We believe forests should not be felled in a “robbing Peter to pay Paul” greenwashing process. 


The OCS process has been shown to have Negative Carbon Omission (NCO) and its byproduct has achieved a pure carbon capacity of up to 98%.  


When coupled with renewable energy, the OCS process becomes a carbon negative - a bona fide carbon capture and storage (CCS) system - meaning there is less greenhouse gas released than had the waste taken the typical final step in its lifecycle and been buried at landfill.  

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